In our last post we have seen how we can use Google Apps Script to search a string in Google Sheet and add n number of rows just after the row in which the string was found. But there is one issues : which is that it won’t loop over all the items that matches […]
Google Apps Script to search a string in a column in Google Sheet [Part 1]
Searching a string in a google sheet is easy when you search it manually using Ctrl+F and enter the string. But what if you want to automate the task and search the string to perform dependent task, the Google Apps Script is there for your rescue. I came across a situation where i have to […]
Loop over two list or array in Google Apps Script
If you loves working on Google suits, i am sure you work on Google Apps script which is based on JavaScript. While working on Google Apps Script (GAS) you have came across situation where you have two list or array and you want to loop over each item one by one. Here in this post […]
Regular Expression in Google Apps Script
I believe we all have used Regular Expression while working on different projects in different languages. Basically we Regular Expressions to match a pattern of characters. Here in this post we will see how you can define Regular Expression in Google Apps Script. Importance of Regular Expression(RegEx) and why you should learn: RegEx helps you […]
Unzip files using Google Apps Script on Google Drive
Sometime you came across situations where you have the zipped files on the Google drive and you want to automate the process but required unzipped files to do the data manipulation tasks. Here in this post i will share the code which will help you to Unzip files using Google Apps Script placed on Google […]
Find and Copy files of specific types using Google Apps Script
When you want to find and copy files of specific types using Google Apps Script from a folder to another folder on Google Drive, this code for sure will come handy. As you know Google Apps Script has a functionality of running it automatically on a particular time (time driven trigger) or even driven trigger(like […]